Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fill in the blank.............

The questions are from Troop Petrie (a blog I follow) ....My answers are in purple.

1. True happiness is.. being at peace within myself. Trust me, it takes God to get this!

2. The most surreal moment of my life was... this is hard......realizing I am living my dream....wonderful husband and beautiful kids......
3. My favorite texture is... slightly bumpy....unless it's the sheets on my bed....then smooth!

4. My signature color is... I do wear alot of purple and gold when I can! But I mostly wear black and tan. I don't know that I have a signature color though !

5. My signature style is... comfy and  loose!!!!  I definately wear comfortable shoes on a regular basis!

6. If I could choose one store to spend my life savings at, it would be...probably a clothes store if my sister could go with me and help me. They would have to carry everything in my size, though. And have lots of tennis shoes for me to pick through. I do love me some tennis shoes! I have always told Coy if we ever miraculously (and it would take a miracle since we don't play the lottery) won the lottery that my first stop would be a tennis shoe store. He thinks it's funny! But back to the oringinal question, I really don't hae to worry about this since Coy would NEVER let me do this! haha
7. My best thing about autumn is... the cooler temperatures and wonderful smells....
Hope this helps you get to know me better!

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