AAAAHHHH Wednesday.....or am I sad because it's WEdnesday and another summer week is almost gone???? Today was supposed to be a relaxing day. JoGail had a movie date with Deanna. Grace had macjkenzie over to work on their mission trip stuff.....pretty started last night when Coy realized Grace's new glasses are crooked. Yep, means a trip to Athens. Had to go today...compy day tomorrow, etc. THen he wakes me up at 6:15 and tells me he HAS to have more mylanta today...6:15 am! So I plan my trip, which must include taking Grcae since she has to be there to get her glasses fixed. So I call the place and yes they are open and 1:00-1:1o would be great. So we get there. They are closed on Wednesday afternoon......yep, not gonna be a good conversation tomorrow. How can you work there and not know when you are closed???? So we head to CVS for the mylanta. (They have extra care bucks) So I get the stuff and wait and wait and wait and wait at the checkout. I finally said hello is there anyone here who can checkout??? They were standing behind the picture counter talking....irritated me, especially after coming from the eye doctor's place. But then I went to Hallmark and all was right with the world.....;)
I came home and moved the 'back 40' for Coy. I decided that is one definate benefit of the prednisone (yep, still on it). I can mow or work outside and NOT get sick! While I was sitting on the mower thinking, I realized that I might mow because I'm not eating when I am out there! HA! It was hot. I felt sick when I came in. When coy came home he chided me for being out there....something about a heat advisory??? By the way, I never stay awake long enough to see the news. I fall asleep. I catch bits and pieces in the mornings before walking and quite frankly I don't miss it. So I went on to church and helped with the supper and Wacky Wednesday. Luckily today we had planned on leftover ice cream for the kid's snacks. I feel better now. I actually had a pancake. It was good. I don't usually eat alot of pancakes....I think we had overkill on them when we were kids, but man could I eat them back then! Maybe my aversion to them now is because my mama isn't making them.....hummmm might be on to something there !
So th epreacher calls this afternoon.....wants Coy to speak at the 100th anniversary celebration on Saturday! I wish I could be there, but JoGail and I have a party, umm I mean wedding to go to! She has been planning her outfits for sometime! We also get to see Grammy and PawPaw for a breif visit. JoGail is so excited. She will be the only grnadkid there. Grace and Coy are staying home to make sure she has everything together for her mission trip, get haircuts, go eat pizza, etc. They will have a good time. JoGail and I should be back in time to see her off and then go eat at Hernandez! By the way I have figured out what I can get there that doesn't blow my diet too bad....a single chicken flauta. No rice and no beans. And I allow myself ten chips with hot sauce.
Speaking of my diet plan of attack is this: once I get off the prednisone and back from my three day beef and veggies theing then hit the plan again with NO cheats. Period. But that's another post for another day....I go back to Southwest Thursday to see how things are doing in sinusland.
When I started this post I thought I would answer some random questions, so here goes....
If I could go anywhere in the world where would it be? This one is hard for me. I don't aspire to be a world traveller but here are things I would like to see. Several places on my to see list include France (for the pastries), Greece, and Spain. These places have always intrigued me! Oh and the New England states in the fall.
What one person has made the most influence in my Christian walk? This is hard, too. I would have to say Tommy Kasner, #8, in my family had a huge influence. He was so giving and such a happy person. Another person would have to Wanda Champion, my Sunday School teacher when I was in high school. A group of persons would have to be the missionionaries I worked with in Brownsville for two summers and Connie and Dwight!
What do I want to see my girls accomplish? My goals for them are to be loving, giving Christian ladies. If they meet this goal then everything else will fall into place! They both have Jesus in their harts, so they are on the right track!
What do I want to do when I retire? (Looks like right now I will be eligible for retirement in 12 short years !)
I don't know. Coy has so many plans.....I'll probably end just trying to keep up with him! Last I heard he wants to open a pie shoppe. Yeah.....He'll have a couple of years to get it up and going before I can retire...maybe by then I can bake some bread that isn't hard as a hockey puck! ;)
What' s my favorite food? I used to say ice cream....and yes, that's still wonderful....sparingly, but I would have to say BBQ chicken is still pretty high on my list.
What verse am I working on memorizing? Paslm 31:10. It's a good one!
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