Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scriptures and chasing rabbits

OK. so I have been scripture hunting today. Trying to find the verse that the MOST meaningful to me on my journey. It's kind of like taking a multiple choice know you narrow it down to the last two answers then have to pick the BEST answer.....I have more than two choices...5 to be exact. And I have to think some more about which one is the BEST one for me to choose as my verse.

Here they are in no particuliar order....

Jeremiah 32:27
I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "This cannot be done by man. But with God all things are possible."

Psalm 34:17
Those who are right with the Lord cry out. And He hears them. And He takes them from their troubles.

I Peter 5:6-7
So put away all pride. You are standing under the powerful hand of God. At the right time He will lift you up.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ have power over your heart. You were chosen to be a part of His body. Always be thankful.

Chasing a rabbit here.....
Now you have to understand my Bible is a simple to read translation. It's the New Life translation. It was a translation that was done specifically for the Eskimos in Alaska. I have two complaints about it. 1. They are hard to find. 2. It's a paperback Bible. I love that Bible. It is so easy to read and it helps me apply it to my life. I just love that translation.

And another wild rabbit.....
JoGai land I made Baked pineapple for the dessert for the meal at church tonight. I am going to miss doing that with her once school starts! Part of our fun is reading recipes and deciding which one to make. She has such a gift for tasting things and baking things.

So I am going to focus on these verses while I am on vacation. So tha tI will be ready when I get back to restart my journey....providing I get the go ahead from my sinus doctor tomorrow. It's hard for me to tell how my sinuses are doing. I know that I am desensitized to them when they swell and hurt. It has to get really really bad before I even notice it.

Another rabbit......
Did anyone else see Oprah on Monday? I normally don't watch her but was resting on the couch when it came on and was too lazy to chagne the channel. She had Dr. oz on there and he was talking about the silent killer...diabetes. It was interesting the way he explained it. Did you know exercising lowers your chance of getting diabetes by 60% -and that's only esercising 30 mins 4 times  a week. Pretty shocking. Something I need to file away for motivation! he talked about how sugar in my blood stream is like pieces of glass. It's keeps poking my blood cells. And you can reverse diabets but you can't reverse the side effects. Of course he also tlaked about how rampant diabetes is becoming since we eat more processed foods and do less physical labor. I think he said the average American consumes 50 pounds of white sugar a year! That double the amount from a generation ago. The best preventative advice he gave was to avoid white flour, sugar, and white rice and, of course, exercise....things that are all part of my diet!

We have a busy busy day planned for tomorrow. Lots of errands and chores to get done. Lots of thinking for me to do, too.....I need to claim my verse the day we get back. I have recleaned out the pantry, fridge and freezer, so temptation should be gone.  No more Blue Bell, no more cheese on everything, no more salsa, no more BBQ sauce. I am planning on doing the 3 day start up next Friday, Sat and Sun. That should ge tme kick started again and wipe most of the carbs out of my system again. Yes, I am dreading it but I know it must be done. Then it's back to the book and writing everything down again!!! Yay....NOT!

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