Sunday, August 22, 2010

Please make my headache go away!

Please someone make this headache go away. I've had it all day. I've had to do two breathing treatments. I hae slept this afternoon and lifted weights with Coy. Nothing has helped. I made JoGail and Coy some breakfast for dinner. They love that, especially since I but the precooked bacon. Me and frying bacon didn't always turn out so well.....Oh and I hae started eating rye toast once a day. A few more calories, but I read where it is extremely good for the digestive  system. Since I have learned not eat alot of white bread and white flour processed products, I thought this would help. Maybe when I get up tomorrow the headache will be gone.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh my!

OH my! I didn't realize it had been a week since I posted!!!!   Loys has happended!Let me see if I can update everyone. I still ahve to go to work. All the begging with Coy didn't work.....I tried, honestly I did! I try to stay home every year and every year I get the same answer.......We are still lifting weights as a family. I am beginning to enjoy our time together. I am not quite as sore, although I can still get sore. I hae walked a little. Not too much. I started haing spells where I would sweat, get  nauseous, get the chills, etc. Coy was concerned so her sent me to the doctor. Since he couldn't go with me the first thing I told the dr was that Coy made me go. I didn't want to be there! Anyways, he suspects I am having adrenal insufficiencies from the use of the steroids. So he drew blood and ordered a heart stress test (just to rule out heart disease). So I had my stress test this morning. Took about 3 hours and there was no sign of heart disease (totally shocked me!!!). Made me happy though! I am so thankful. I feel like I was finally tested for something and it came back negative!!! By the way, I shocked Dr. Rich by going the FULL time!!!!  He couldn't believe it. I told him I had been walking all summer!!! So I don't do anything right now for the adrenal insufficiencies. He thinks my body will gradually start making the steroids again on its own. If not, I have to take medication. My weight is still the same, by the way. Still have about 20 pounds to go....I keep thinking the weight lifting will kick in and speed up the metabolism....I'm hoping anyway!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Catching Up

2 pounds down this week....unfortunately I  am haing to relose some, but at least it's happening. I have designated Thursday morning as my official weigh in days. I'm not driving to Mesquite anymore. I beliee I have learned soem good and bad things from going there.  A good thing is that I know I hae to be accountable for what I eat and HOW much I eat. So, Thursdays are my official days. If you work with me, check in with meon Thursdays! You'll neer know how much I appreciate, value and NEED your support! Coy and I are enjoying working out together. Weight lifting has provided us a chacne to talk and just be together. We've missed that, but realize it happens when you have two young kids. Please pray that we will have the strength (no joke) to get up at 5 and go lift together when school starts. Right now we hae time in the afternoon to go , but that will change when school starts and we hae an actiity almost every night. My walking was derailed a little this week because of my asthma. I think it was triggered by a combination of the heat and humidity. I would get up, go to the track, get a couple of laps in then have to stop because my chest hurt so bad and I couldn't breathe. I would come home and have to do a 10-15 minute breathing treatment. I would be ok after that--but I was inside the rest of the day. Maybe this week will be better in that regard!

It's been weird hearing the washin gmachine going and realizing I didn't put it on!  The girls haev done pretty good wiwth doingo their own laundry this summer. We are going through laundry detergent like crazy because we are doing more loads then usual, but I am ok with that. They have also done great keeping up with the chores I leave for them to do every day. I'm going to miss that when school starts!

I believe next weekend is the tax free weekend here in Texas. I will not be shopping anywhere that weekend. Period. I will be hovered under covers just waiting for the shelves to be restocked. We hae limited grocery in the house this week (payday is the beginning of next week). So I will be eating what we have this week. Maybe not be what I want, but it's what we have! It's also board meeting week, so tuesday it's just me and the girls. Actually just me and JoGail since Grace has band. EVERY.NIGHT. THIS. WEEK.

Well, have several goals this week....

1. Claim my promises when I am worried about some meetings this week.
2. Eat healthy. Don't let it bother me that it's not "what I want".
3. Lose a pound....or two!
4. Exercise at least 5 days a week.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Been thinking

Been thinking about my last post and the part about The Mentalist. First of all, that was part of what I stole. Second, I have nver even watched that show! Thirdly, I don't believe weight loss should be at the formost of our minds all the time. Yes, it has its moments, but it doesn't define our life. Christ does. Therefore, that should be at the formost of our minds....all the time. There.

Bro. Paul said something at the service this morning that makde me stop and think and then realize that it was an answer to prayer. I go back to work tomorrow and have been wondering hwo in the world I am going to get up on time. I love the people I work with and love my job the majority of the time. However, ( and some of you may remember this from this timelast year) I have a horrible time of getting up in the mornings. Especially when I am not used to it. But he said we should be excited about getting up to do the Lord's work. I have prayed specifically that I will remember this in the morning when my alarm goes off!!!! 

I am still soo sore from yesterday. Seriously. See we had a wonderful day yesterday going to Dallas, eating, going to a bookstore or two.....just fun stuff for us. Then we came home and Coy announced we were all going to lift weights again. UGHGH!!!! I mean I like it but it hurts! I did squats for the first time in a LONG in more than a decade I can barely move. Seriously. It still feels like my muscles are on fire. And they hurt. They hurt going up the stairs to Sunday School this morning. They hurt everytime I try to sit. Seriously......Coy has assured me that they will not hurt anymore. I don't know that I believe that yet, but we'll see!

Next time I post I'll be back in the working force............:)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What tv show are you on?

Note** I stole some of this from an email and adapted it, don't go thinking I'm all creative now !!!

Sometimes it doesn't matter what I eat, how hard I work out, that silly scale just won't budge !! Then I got an idea.....maybe I just need to outlast the scale. It will eventually give in and give up the number she deserves.

It's like the reality TV Show Survivor.

You have to OutPlay / OutWit / OutLast the scale! LOL Remind me of this, my friends!

In fact, our efforts towards our goals sometimes ARE like TV shows.

Sometimes it's like Let's Make A Deal. We bargain with the scale by taking off clothing, waiting to weigh in till after we've used the rest room, and have removed our makeup and jewelry, etc. Come on, you know you havae done it! I've even gone as far as to wear the same skimpy clothes everytime I weigh!

I also like to play "Millionaire" with it by asking "Is that your final answer?" (getting on/off the scale several times to see if I can get a better number) Gosh, I do this a bunch.....sometimes it's NOT the final answer!

A reality show that we shouldn't mimic is the Biggest Loser.

I don't know about you, but I'm really grateful that 1.) this isn't a competition [which I believe is unhealthy, as you're then losing weight for the wrong reason], and 2.) that we don't get knocked off this program when someone else loses more weight than we do. And I'm extra glad that we don't have to vote off friends that we've become very close to just because "someone has to go". Luckily this is a program that we ALL get to win! The more, the better.

Fad diets, on the other hand -- feel kind of like that show "A Minute To Win It"

They have strict and crazy requirements, for which there is little or no logical foundation. And like the show -- it doesn't build any worthy skills that you would continue doing the rest of your life. Nope, they are pretty much only good for the minute that you're on the program. Once you return to real life, you can't maintain them. For instance: eating nothing but grapefruit and eggs, and meat only on every other Tuesday --- would be like continually balancing a cup on your nose. It just isn't feasible to continue that and still live your life in a normal manner. Hummmm.....

To me this blog, brings together my friends, such as the Andy Griffith show might. We are each different.  And we're all okay with that. We all visit with each other, compliment each other on weight losses, and just generally have a small town relationship.. It's cozy, comfortable, and supportive. What a great environment for us while we work towards an awesome achievement!

One of my favorite TV shows is The Mentalist. And his use of the power of suggestion is a good tool to that we can use here in our weight loss efforts. Of course I like this, because it ties right back into my (join in the chorus here....) "What you dwell on is what you give power to". Get an idea/image and put it in your mind. Think about it constantly. Stroke it, whisper loving words to it, tell your friends all about it.... Take it out now and again and show it off. In your mind, dress it up in the cute clothes you got for it. Take this IMAGE of you at your successful goal and treat it tenderly and care for it, and nurture it. THIS (setting goals) will bring you success.

The key, of course, is to be visualizing your goal AT THE TIME that you are making the choice. If you're "dwelling" on it -- then that isn't a problem. Right? Right. Gotta keep November 15 in my mind!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I will not

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

I will not eat anythign tonight except my supplement bar....

 On another night, the youth at the church gave their testimonies from Missions Arlington. They did an awesome job and it looke dlike they ahd a great time~too!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I went and officially weighed in and have gained a little. Not a lot, just a little...actually less than I thought! Yeah for me! Even with the 5 weeks of prednisone. I won't tell you how much but it WAS less than ten! Oh yeah, I am definately back on track....

Walked about 3 miles this morning and then walked alot shopping with JoGail. She still thinks hanging ut at the mall with your mall mom is cool....or maybe she just knows who has to write the checks!

Saw this on facebook and adapted it a little....thinking about hanging it near my desk this year at school!!!!

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, totally worn out and screaming 'WOOO HOOOOO what a ride!'

Whatcha think???? I'm not a winde drinker, so I may change that part! Mayb it should say a bottle of water since I'm drinking so much of that!

Oh and I just thought I had gotten faster this summer.....James Cox lapped me about 4 times this morning at the track. He was running but least he wasn't on his phone...THIS time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I did well!

I did well today! Even had an extra vegetable! Had everything I was supposed to. Here' s my story for today. I have a coupon for a free smoothie or frappe at McDonald's. I gave it to JoGail. She loves smoothies. So we went after school supply shopping. She ordered a mocha frappe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  thanks Deanna! Anyways, i wanted to get her another free coupon and theywere on the large cups. So I ordered my one dollar tea. They were out of the cups! So we iddn't get the coupon. So then Ihad to fght 6 little 5 yars olds at hte drink station and theywere ALL trying to fix their own. Arms were everywhere and there was cokes on most of the arms. So I waited. I wanted an unsweet tea with a splash of lemonade. I started gettingmy tea and then reached for the lemonade and they were out. I asked at the counter and they were out there, I brought my unsweet tea home and put my lemonade supplement drink in it. Shook it up over the sink  with the finger over the straw. It wasn't bad....probably saved me some sugar!

JoGail and I were going to get up ad go on to Mesquite tomorrow but we have to wait for fedex to pick a package up ehre at the house..sometime between 12 and 3! So after that man exits the driveway we are out of here! Someone brought some handme downs over this evening and they still had the tags on them!!!! So blessed!! Although JoGail says that the color khaki 'gags' her. That girl does love some color!

I did complete some shcool work this morning and will try again in the morning. I walked at 6:45 with Kim. I'm tryin gto get ready for next week! Then I went to the library and post office. I came home fixed my lunch and then took JoGailto lunch. Made the lemon pie ( and did some laundry. Then I decided it was either work on school work again or mow. I mowed. In the HOT Texas sun. I finished most of the back except for one little section. I don't like to mow that section because I'm always afraid I will hit something. So anyway. I showered as soon as I come in ( to cut back on allergies) and then fixed spaghetti for supper. Cleaned the kitchen then konked on the couch......waiting to go get Grace from band. Hope I can stay wake!

Back on the trail again!

I started the three day cleanse thing on Friday. It's Monday morning. And I already feel soooo much better. More energy. Everything. And that's with getting up earlier than normal to go walk! Why can't I remember that this feels better than any food I eat???Why? Why? Why?????

The thermoboost left a horrible taste in my mouth. I thought I was going to gag afterwards. But I wasn't hungry! ;)

Cooking some lunch right now. Trying to get back in teh habit of cooking and storing in the fridge. I am trying a new, recommended to me recipe for chicken! I'll let you know how it goes!

I feel so blessed to have people here in my hometown to talk to and compare notes with. I mean it just helps. It reminds me that  am not the only one and usually lifts me up adn gives me support. I am so blessed. I have people to walk with and people to compare lunch notes with! Holly has come up with a good idea when we all go back kto work. Cook and freeze your food then take it all up to the school and stick it in the freezer. That way of we forget our food we have some stashed! I think I am going to do this one!
Anybody else come up with a good idea for when we all get back to work????

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am ready to go back to church! I miss my peeps!

As of this morning Ihave lost 3 pounds again so far! I am ready for Monday when I get my fruit back! Any my mushrooms andmy zuchinni!!!

I am also ready for all my little family to be home. Yes. I miss my JoGail. She just adds so much to this family.

Coy, Grace and I went shopping in Tyler yesterday. You can imagine how that went. Two go in, get it and don't look types with me. Grace was the first to say Are we finished yet? Back to school shopping is easy for me and the girls. Coy is anther story. We look then we have to determine if we REALLy need it. Then we wonder if we can get it cheaper somewhere. Then we go through How does it REALLY look on me. Then we just don't know if we should get it or not. Usually I finally just say "Get it!"

Grace never wants to try anything on. Reminds me of a lady I worked with. I don't think she has tried anything on in years at a store. Grace just prays it fits. Drives me crazy!

Gotta go get ready for church. I plan to post later this afternoon, so check back!