Saturday, August 7, 2010

What tv show are you on?

Note** I stole some of this from an email and adapted it, don't go thinking I'm all creative now !!!

Sometimes it doesn't matter what I eat, how hard I work out, that silly scale just won't budge !! Then I got an idea.....maybe I just need to outlast the scale. It will eventually give in and give up the number she deserves.

It's like the reality TV Show Survivor.

You have to OutPlay / OutWit / OutLast the scale! LOL Remind me of this, my friends!

In fact, our efforts towards our goals sometimes ARE like TV shows.

Sometimes it's like Let's Make A Deal. We bargain with the scale by taking off clothing, waiting to weigh in till after we've used the rest room, and have removed our makeup and jewelry, etc. Come on, you know you havae done it! I've even gone as far as to wear the same skimpy clothes everytime I weigh!

I also like to play "Millionaire" with it by asking "Is that your final answer?" (getting on/off the scale several times to see if I can get a better number) Gosh, I do this a bunch.....sometimes it's NOT the final answer!

A reality show that we shouldn't mimic is the Biggest Loser.

I don't know about you, but I'm really grateful that 1.) this isn't a competition [which I believe is unhealthy, as you're then losing weight for the wrong reason], and 2.) that we don't get knocked off this program when someone else loses more weight than we do. And I'm extra glad that we don't have to vote off friends that we've become very close to just because "someone has to go". Luckily this is a program that we ALL get to win! The more, the better.

Fad diets, on the other hand -- feel kind of like that show "A Minute To Win It"

They have strict and crazy requirements, for which there is little or no logical foundation. And like the show -- it doesn't build any worthy skills that you would continue doing the rest of your life. Nope, they are pretty much only good for the minute that you're on the program. Once you return to real life, you can't maintain them. For instance: eating nothing but grapefruit and eggs, and meat only on every other Tuesday --- would be like continually balancing a cup on your nose. It just isn't feasible to continue that and still live your life in a normal manner. Hummmm.....

To me this blog, brings together my friends, such as the Andy Griffith show might. We are each different.  And we're all okay with that. We all visit with each other, compliment each other on weight losses, and just generally have a small town relationship.. It's cozy, comfortable, and supportive. What a great environment for us while we work towards an awesome achievement!

One of my favorite TV shows is The Mentalist. And his use of the power of suggestion is a good tool to that we can use here in our weight loss efforts. Of course I like this, because it ties right back into my (join in the chorus here....) "What you dwell on is what you give power to". Get an idea/image and put it in your mind. Think about it constantly. Stroke it, whisper loving words to it, tell your friends all about it.... Take it out now and again and show it off. In your mind, dress it up in the cute clothes you got for it. Take this IMAGE of you at your successful goal and treat it tenderly and care for it, and nurture it. THIS (setting goals) will bring you success.

The key, of course, is to be visualizing your goal AT THE TIME that you are making the choice. If you're "dwelling" on it -- then that isn't a problem. Right? Right. Gotta keep November 15 in my mind!!!!

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